Quarry Ridge Men’s Club Thursday Night League
Thursday Night League Schedule
2025 Season
Thursday night league will begin on Thursday, April 17, 2025
There will be two halves of 11 weeks each for regular play.
The cost will be $165.00 for the season, in addition to $110 dues to the Men’s League. Each player is responsible to pay the greens fees.
Week 1 Results
Format of Play:
Match play from the blue tees. Handicaps will be computed at 80%
Play will be according to handicap in the first half (low vs. low, high vs. high). In the second half we will have the Low handicap players for each team play the high handicap players.
When both team members are playing:
One point for the winner in individual match play.
One point for the team that wins the most holes between the two players in match play.
A half point will be awarded in case of a tie.
Subs are allowed and play under the following rules:
If one team member is playing with a sub the points awarded will be the same as above.
If two subs are playing for a team the individual points will be the same as above. The absent team cannot earn team points, but it will not automatically be awarded to the other team.
The opposing team must earn the extra point by winning the most holes or in case of a tie – ½ point.
If an opposing team does not show up or have subs and there are subs available to play the pro shop and or TNL will assign subs. If no subs are available a blind draw of another team will be chosen and points will be awarded just as if you played the individuals.
It is the individual’s responsibility to get a sub. A list of subs will be provided. You can contact the pro in advance of play and see if anyone is at the course and available to sub.
Subs cannot be used in any playoffs. One team member MUST be present.
The team with the highest points at the end of the halves will play off against each other.
If a player misses more than 5 matches in a half, that team is not eligible to play for the championship.
Play before the league
The Pro shop will make every attempt to get individuals who play before the league on the opposite 9 holes. However if that is not possible you may play the same 9 holes as the league without penalty. All matches are to be played in the assigned tee time. Early tee times must be approved by the TNL
Thursday Night League Committee – Owen Flannery(President)